the Peace Meditation


Summer Time Schedule
(all times are Greenwich Mean Time)
Peace Meditation Saturday
18.30 - 18.50 (GMT) PM #1
20.00 - 20.20 (GMT) PM #2
Peace Meditation Sunday
20.00 - 20.20 (GMT) PM #3

Winter Time Schedule
(all times are Greenwich Mean Time)
Peace Meditation Saturday
19.30 - 19.50 (GMT) PM #1
21.00 - 21.20 (GMT) PM #2
Peace Meditation Sunday
21.00 - 21.20 (GMT) PM #3

*Universal Peace Symbol*

Salome gam nan ben urda, gan njber asala hesporona!
Peace be on the Earth, and among all created-creations!

Website Made by


*Universal Peace Symbol*

Website Made by



In spring 1984, the FIGU members in Switzerland began with the so-called PEACE MEDITATION*.Organised by our extraterrestrial friends, the Plejaren, this Peace Meditation (PM) was intended to bring about a change for the better with regard to the future of humanity on Earth.

*Bi-monthly meditation for peace practiced around the world by thousands.

Join the worldwide Peace Meditation on the 1st and 3rd weekends of each month.

*Universal Peace Symbol*

Universal Peace Symbol

*Universal Peace Symbol*

Salome gam nan ben urda,
gan njber asala hesporona!

*Universal Peace Symbol*

Summer Time Schedule
(all times are Greenwich Mean Time)
Peace Meditation Saturday
18.30 - 18.50 (GMT) PM #1
20.00 - 20.20 (GMT) PM #2
Peace Meditation Sunday
20.00 - 20.20 (GMT) PM #3


Participate in the Peace Meditation held on the first and third weekends throughout the year.

Enter your email address if you’d like to be kept informed about our schedules if you live in England.

*Universal Peace Symbol*

And there shall be PEACE on Earth!


Peace be on the Earth, and among all created-creations!

*Universal Peace Symbol*

Winter Time Schedule
(all times are Greenwich Mean Time)
Peace Meditation Saturday
19.30 - 19.50 (GMT) PM #1
21.00 - 21.20 (GMT) PM #2
Peace Meditation Sunday
21.00 - 21.20 (GMT) PM #3

Salome gam nan ben urda, gan njber asala hesporona!
Peace be on the Earth, and among all created-creations!

Peace Meditation by FIGU
Salome gam nan ben urda, gan njber asala hesporona!
Peace be on the Earth, and among all created-creations!

Salome gam nan ben urda, gan njber asala hesporona!
Peace be on the Earth, and among all created-creations!

Peace Meditation by FIGU

Friedensmeditation / Peace Meditation
von / by FIGU

Salome gam nan ben urda, gan njber asala hesporona!
Peace be on the Earth, and among all created-creations!


Participate in the Peace Meditation held on the first and third weekends throughout the year.

Participate in the Peace Meditation held on the first and third weekends throughout the year.
(Bi-monthly meditation for peace practiced around the world by thousands.)

*Universal Peace Symbol*

“True peace can come about on Earth among the world’s population only when every intelligent and rational human being finally takes the first step towards it without Gewalt, in order to then subsequently, in peacefulness, take every further step considerately and consciously up to the final consequence of the coming about of peace.”
FIGU SSSC, 10th September 2018, 16:43, Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM)

In spring 1984, the FIGU members in Switzerland began with the so-called PEACE MEDITATION. Organised by our extraterrestrial friends, the Plejaren, this Peace Meditation (PM) was intended to bring about a change for the better with regard to the future of humanity on Earth. This works by sending out powerful and logical impulses through which a polarity is built up which is opposite to the negative ‘power field’ which surrounds Earth much like a huge bell and which influences the human beings and all of nature. Over several centuries, this negative power field has been (that is to say, is) built up by the human beings by means of religioussectarian and extremist thinking that is out of the control of the good human nature. Therefore the idea was to send out – with the help of more than 3.5 thousand-million1 human beings from the Plejaren federation, via a telemeter disk hovering high above the Semjase Silver Star Center (SSSC) and by means of some other devices – powerful ‘counter impulses’ on Earth; with obvious success as it has turned out in the meantime. Regarding this, four excerpts from contact reports with Ptaah and Semjase, which can be found further down, shall provide some explanations and background information.

A common form of Lorem ipsum reads: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididuntA common form of Lorem ipsum reads: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing

*Universal Peace Symbol*
*Universal Peace Symbol*

Since the terrestrial humankind is primarily responsible for its own state as well as for that of the planet, for better or for worse, and accordingly also for a healing process, we call upon all rational and responsible human beings to participate in FIGU’s PM. The more human beings who become involved, the greater and more mightful will be the positive-neutral power! – Although we do not wish to cause any anxiety: the threat of a fourth global conflagration and other bad happenings has not been averted by a long stretch! Therefore, for a long time to come, further big efforts are required in this regard, until one day in the distant future the terrestrial humankind in its entirety thinks and acts along more peaceful lines – hopefully. .

*Universal Peace Symbol*
*Universal Peace Symbol*

© FIGU.ORG - Free Interest Group Universal

Universal Peace Symbol

the Peace Meditation

*Universal Peace Symbol*

Salome gam nan ben urda, gan njber asala hesporona!
Peace be on the Earth, and among all created-creations!

And there shall be PEACE on Earth!

© FIGU.ORG - Free Interest Group Universal


*Universal Peace Symbol*


1. The flying devices/aircraft called UFOs by the human beings of Earth have nothing to do whatsoever with us Plejaren and our flying devices/aircraft.2. The flying devices/aircraft of the 'strangers' as well as the incidents of any kind concerning them, which have arisen or will continue to arise in connection with both the flying objects and the strangers/foreigners themselves, have nothing to do with us Plejaren.3. We Plejaren have in no form interfered in any earthly events, nor will we ever interfere, whatever may happen.4. We Plejaren will not, therefore, interfere in any earthly matters, happenings or occurrences that may arise in the future, also not in any regard or another concerning the strangers/foreigners and their UFO flying devices/aircraft.


*Universal Peace Symbol*

© FIGU.ORG - Free Interest Group Universal

FIGU Interest Group for Mission-Knowledge England

We are a diverse group of individuals who meet monthly and share a keen interest in the writings of “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier and his on-going contacts with an extra-terrestrial race, known as the Plejaren. As a group, we strive to learn from each other, study together for our individual and collective development and promote the FIGU mission in England.

*Universal Peace Symbol*

© FIGU-ENGLAND.CO.UK • Interessengruppe für Missionswissen
© SHOP.FIGU.ORG • Online Shop of the Aquarian Age Publisher
© FIGU.ORG • Free Interest Group Universal

We are a diverse group of individuals who meet monthly and share a keen interest in the writings of “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier and his on-going contacts with an extra-terrestrial race, known as the Plejaren. As a group, we strive to learn from each other, study together for our individual and collective development and promote the FIGU mission in England.


*Universal Peace Symbol*

© FIGU.ORG - Free Interest Group Universal

*Universal Peace Symbol*

Join the worldwide peace meditation on the 1st and 3rd weekends of each month

“True peace can come about on Earth among the world’s population only when every intelligent and rational human being finally takes the first step towards it without Gewalt, in order to then subsequently, in peacefulness, take every further step considerately and consciously up to the final consequence of the coming about of peace.”
SSSC, 10th September 2018, 16:43, Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM)

*Universal Peace Symbol*
*Universal Peace Symbol*

© FIGU.ORG - Free Interest Group Universal